Programs that enlighten leaders at every level

Together we can customize a leadership program that fits your people, your purpose and your call.


Leadership Programs for New Managers
Moving from “individual performer” to “team leader” is a challenging leap, even for the most talented professionals. We’ll guide your new managers as they make the shift from doing their own great work to directing and motivating the work of others, and help them build a leader’s mindset and skills.


Mid-Level Leadership Programs
Leaders in the middle have to lead themselves,
their teams and their departments with confidence and competence. We’ll support your mid-level leaders by helping them develop the interpersonal insight, authoritative skills and everyday practices of real leaders that people follow.


Senior-Level Leadership Programs
Leaders at the top navigate the most complex and urgent problems. We’ll support your leaders in, or transitioning to, senior roles by helping them develop a deeper level of insight, sharper skills, and a 360° awareness of your company’s situation.


We consult with you to discuss your leadership development needs.

We design a leadership program that best serves your people and your situation.

Upon your approval, we develop and distribute learning materials for your leaders to begin their pre-program development.

We deliver a full, action learning program to your leaders in person over 3-9 months.

We work with you to evaluate the program’s impact and draft a plan for next steps.